The guitar pick signed by Jeremy Davis is waiting for brand new owner! All submitted covers are now available on our Facebook profile (English-speaking), ready to accept your votes! Use “like” button on our Facebook profile under the video of the cover that you think is the best – the author of the cover that will get the most recognition and acclaim (based on “I like it” amount on Facebook), will be awarded with the guitar pick that is present in the photo on the right.
Dannie Ruby with “We Are Broken” (cover #1)
Charlene Yap with “Monster” (cover #2)
Pedro Osorio with “The Only Exception” (cover #3)
Htiaf23 with “Monster” (cover #4)
Tahlzrocks with “Where The Lines Overlap” (cover #5)
Ala Zawisza with “The Only Exception” (cover #6)
Jade with “In the Mourning” (cover #7)
For your votes we are waiting till 11th August 2011, to midnight (GMT+1)!