Hayley Williams is such a good sport, guys. In order to show her support to her Paramore fans, Hayley posted this photo to her Tumblr on national “Wear Your Paramore Shirt” day. Hayley wrote, “This happens to be my favorite P-more shirt ever made. It was the first band merch Fueled By Ramen ever made for us… and we only gave them out to people who pre-ordered our first album, All We Know Is Falling. So there’s that story.”Not only do we love that Hayley’s got the OG Paramore merch and it’s still in mint condition, but we love her storytelling skills. I end most of my short fiction writing with “So there’s that story.” Super effective.So yes, the point of this post is to show you Hayley Williams pimping her own band. And to remind you that she’s the cutest. You are welcome, come again!
Source MTV