Earlier today Hayley Williams did an interview for 1A. She talked about Paramore, going solo, life during pandemic and her new single. You can stream the interview here.
“We’ve tried to kill Paramore so many different times, and it’s not dying. We’re like a cockroach. We can’t go away,“ she said. “We kind of wanted to stop while we were ahead. While I was writing in our off time, I realized I’m writing more than journal entries. It felt right to own these stories.“

“If you had told 19-year-old me that I would be talking about this on a live radio show one day, I would’ve thrown up and jumped out of the window. I get great feedback from people. People offering up parts of themselves, as I offer up parts of myself,“ Hayley said on her new single and the feedback from fans. Even though her solo stuff receives positive reviews she doesn’t think about doing another solo album. “There’s no plans for future solo material. This feels like a beautiful gem that’s in a crown that Paramore created.“