post: A Week In Los Angeles

Hayley Williams posted a new blog on about a week in Los Angeles! “So far we’ve gotten a lot of incredible feedback on the batch of songs we’ve been showing to producers,” wrote Hayley. What’s more, the band posted more photos taken in Malibu. Click “read more” to read a full post and click on the thumbnail  to see the photos!

This week is the busiest week we’ve had in quite a long time. I’m writing this through half-open eyes*. My body hasn’t quite caught up with the work schedule yet… ever since we came home after the FBR15 show it’s been all Hunger Games, holiday meals, and Sega Genesis for me. Not a very active type of business to be running. Anyways, I think I much prefer this tiresome route. At least we’re getting somewhere now!

We’ve met a good 6 or 7 guys this week who are all well-qualified for the job of producing our 4th album. It’s a scary/exciting/and extremely inspiring process to meet and try to get to know someone who will carry out a vision with us and bring together all the music we create. As you know from the video we posted yesterday, one of the men we met with was Justin Meldal-Johnson. What an amazing guy. So talented too. We really should thank him for actually being the only guy who was really up for being filmed and okay with sort of having his space invaded by a little pink camera. Originally, our plan was to film literally any little thing, every meeting that happened on this trip. We wanted to make some kind of “video list” of all the folks we were meeting with. Unfortunately, we’ve got to respect the fact that not every guy wants his mug posted up on blog sites/fan sites/forums nor do they really want to disclose information about potential projects. The truth is, we were sort of going with the whole notion that “it’s easier to ask forgiveness than to ask permission” … but again, at this point it’s really clear to us that it was a little too ambitious of an assignment and we have to respect people’s wishes to not be on exhibit all over the internet. Basically, there are still going to be video clips and pics from the trip and we’re still going to keep you guys in the loop… we hope you’re still down!

The great news is that so far we’ve gotten a lot of incredible feedback on the batch of songs we’ve been showing to producers. It’s a new day for our band. If we didn’t know that before, this trip has most certainly been the confirmation we needed.

Thanks for sticking around to support us and being in this whole thing with us. We’ve only got two meetings left on this trip. You have all been with us for every thing we’ve done thus far and you’ll be there tomorrow as well. Not through a camera or by any physical means… but in our thoughts and hearts. You’re a big part of us wanting to make this whole experience just plain fun. Thank you guys again. Keep an eye out on the site cause we’ll still be posting plenty of things from our time here in LA.


* Note: not half-closed.Glass half-full > glass half-empty.